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Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday freeroll 11/1

This weeks freeroll was won by my old friend Gpotraker. He's a bad mother fucker! he's a killer!... when you see him put the wife and kids far away from the computer. and,, recognize,,, ( how much you are willing to loose.! Lol, The tourny went well except that the site didnt change the server time to match the change in US daylight savings time and so the tourny was at 9am CST and is supposed to be at 10am CST per the instructions to the site. Luckily though i rememebered them fuckin this up last year and rang as many of your bells as i could get to to let you know...
My problem with the game was i lost to quads ( no shit ) 7 times in 6 hours of play. The 7th time i guess kinda sent me over the edge a bit as i became an all in king, goin gall in 6 out of 7 in a row. It was all fun tho ( i got 4th in the money ). and who knows with one flip of the card i coulda ended up in 1st. GG all we will see ya next week. ( hopfully at the right time.) Send you friends to our site to join up at .

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